Ingrid´s Back! Jasper Quickbuck, insider-dealing lord of Ridley´s Manor, plots to steamroller the gnome-belt for yuppie housing. To the gnomes´ horror, accident-prone Ingrid Bottomlow, just escaped
from her "holiday" in the wilderness, seems their only hope. When immovable market forces meet the irresistible Ingrid, will there be a U-turn? Or will humor be the only winner? |
- Written by: Pete Austin (game design) and Graham Jones (game programming and text). Game text polishing: Peter McBride. Graphics by Dicon Peeke. Additional programming by Mike Austin, Nick Austin, John
Jones-Steele and Mike Bryant. Pictures by: Joan Lamb
- Release Date: 1988
- Publisher: Level 9
- Production until: 1990
- Packaging: Cardboard slipcase
- Dimenstions: 215 x 152 x 25
- Contents: 4-color poster (278 x 199) with advertisements for the then-available L9 games, Clue Request Card, 44-page booklet (with detailed instructions, an "Official Secrets" ad, and "The Second
Gnettlefield Journal," written as usual by Peter McBride) inside a Ziploc bag and the game tape or game disk.